
Orthopaedic Braces – an Opioid Alternative

Neck free shoulder system

Why people are leaving pills and turning to braces

What are the Benefits of Using Braces instead of Opioid Painkillers?
As we all go about our business each day, life happens. Sometimes habits, accidents, injuries or spine deterioration lead to back problems that can cause pain throughout the day. In some cases, surgery is recommended. Not only is surgery expensive, the aftermath and healing process can be very challenging. And further, in a good number of cases surgery does not work, or sometimes even makes the problem worse!
Typically, a surgeon will write the patient a prescription for an opioid painkiller that should last the patient just long enough for the healing process. These painkillers are risky, however, because of how addictive opioids tend to be. This is such a pervasive problem that I even wrote a book about this, “The Opioid Alternative” which is being published soon.
Many people are choosing braces to help with healing instead of surgery. Here at Doctor in the House we develop medically indicated, patient tested, semiflexible stepdown braces that can be designed to help people heal themselves. Today we want to discuss the benefits of choosing braces.

Customized Braces for Healing Injuries

Different parts of the body require different types of braces that will form fit to that body part and allow for healing to begin. Different types of orthopedic treatment braces are:

Orthopedic braces are designed to treat the injuries that your body has sustained, allowing the body to heal properly and comfortably often without needing the aid of addictive opioid painkillers or injections. The goal is to prevent a patient from needing surgery; however, even if they have had surgery orthopedic braces can still help during the healing process in lieu of the painkillers.

Why aren’t Orthopedic Braces Recommended more often by Doctors?

Frankly, many doctors are just busy. It is often quicker to order a medication or offer injections, or even referral for surgery than to discuss braces, therapy and optional treatments. It’s not that they don’t care, it is that the system overloads their schedules, and to be fair, many have very little familiarity with braces, therapy or optional treatments (just as orthopaedists have little training in the complexities or treatment of heart and lung problems).

So what can you do? Ask your doctor if they think a brace might help, and if they do or think it couldn’t hurt, ask for a script. In my practice, we have had extraordinary success using braces for patients. I have often said, “my goal is to put myself out of business as a surgeon,” since I recommend trying alternatives to surgery first, such as therapy, lifestyle modification, and braces, and many patients gain equal relief, with no risk!

The full brace line for helping these injuries and medical products from Doctor in the House were developed by Dr. Scott Fried, who is a board certified orthopedic surgeon. Along with his team of healthcare professionals, they promote a “surgery as a last resort” approach to the treatment of injuries, although the doctor points out – “braces also work very well post operatively for patients who have incomplete relief with surgery.” As a surgeon, Dr. Fried fully understands the importance and benefits of surgery, but more importantly understands the importance and benefits of trying other methods such as orthopedic braces and therapy first before resorting to surgery.

How Orthopedic Braces and Splints Work

Orthopedic braces provide support for parts of the body that are injured, such as the shoulder, back, wrist or arm. Our back brace line for example allows full support and yet semiflexible panels, that can be perfectly positioned for you and your healing needs as well as the ability to “step down”, removing one or more panels to allow still protected but increasing motion and the ability to return to life! Using a brace allows that part of the body to rest in the proper placement for maximum healing. Take our shoulder brace, which looks and feels like a fanny pack, has no neck straps, and allows you to treat rotator cuff tendinitis, tears, arthritis of the shoulder, radiating neck pain and elbow problems. It’s great for shoulder fractures and to prevent frozen shoulder.

Standard braces can sometimes be uncomfortable, which can cause a patient to adjust the injured part of their body more than recommended. The idea behind the Doctor in the House splints and braces is to not only provide maximum support, but to also be comfortable for the patient. These braces are designed to eliminate chafing, aggravation, or overly rigid support that can lead to frozen-shoulder, stiff backs or actual aggravation rather than relief from problems like carpal tunnel or sciatica

The Doctor’s Wrist splints, on the other hand, work a little bit differently than the standard cock-up wrist splints on the market today. The Miracle Splint series provides stability and protection to the wrist, it also has multiple layers that trap the thermal energy of the body and provides soothing heat, massage, and comfort. They have multiple semi-flexible dynamic and heat moldable orthoplastic struts, allowing protected physiologic motion, so that the body can move and yet calm inflammation to heal comfortably and safely. And when your body heals itself, you can often avoid the expense and pain resulting from surgery with problems such as carpal tunnel, wrist ligament surgery, tennis elbow and arthritis.

Find Your Alternative

As we mentioned earlier, we believe in the “surgery and addictive medications as a last resort” approach. If you want to try to avoid surgery and the dangers of addictive painkillers, try getting a customized brace for your injury. Consider also alternatives like topical medications, therapy, medical meditation and lifestyle modification. The statistics prove this works and these options don’t hurt, they actually make you feel better! Please feel free to send us a message if you have any questions about orthopedic braces or any of our products. We are here to help, and we hope that we can help you find your own personal “opioid alternative.”
Neck free shoulder system
For questions, call our trained therapists who are here to help:
610-277-1990 x151or 844-260-5162 (toll free)